Monday, October 3, 2011

A Crazy Night at Heorot pt. 1

Hello All.

Today we met this cat, Wulfgar (do not ask me what he is the wolf of).

He was all,

"What are 15 strapping young men like yourselves doing around these parts with those big muscley arms?"

And I was all,

"Check out my muscles. I AM A WOLF OF BEES."

And he was all,

"Oh snap, I better go tell Hrothgar about this,"

and Hrothgar was all,

"You mean Ecgtheow's boy?! I heard that he was as strong as sixty dudes!"

and then I get to meet my old man's old friend, Hrothgar king of some Danes, and he's got me spinning all kinds of crazy yarns to the point where I'm all,

"Hecks yeah I will defeat Grendel without any weapons. I AM A WOLF OF BEES WHO IS AS STRONG AS SIXTY DUDES."

Hrothgar is all giddy at this point and starts telling me about how he and my dad go way back and I am just like, "cool story bro," only politely.

So we start feasting right, and this drunken Dane Unferth decides he has beef with me because I was too busy dominating some epic sea creatures in the midst of a week-long swimming outing in icy water whilst racing some bros (or as I like to call it, THURSDAYS). As it would happen I got so caught up in this dominating epic sea creatures business and did not quite win the race.

My diagnosis? Unferth is just jealous so I call him out in front of his bros and then we all drink it off.

Drinking and boasting ensue.